- Sports Handicapping Community

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Current Offensive Stats  Custom Sortable Stats 

Current Opponent Stats (Defensive)
Last Updated:5/1/2024
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Note: All statistics listed are per game averages
FGM-A Shots made and attempted (all shots and three point shots)
FTM-A Free throws made and attempted
Pct Percentage of shots made in a given shooting category
PPG Points scored per game (offense view), points allowed per game (defense view)
REB, Tot. Total rebounds for team (offense view) or for opponent (defense view)
Off Offensive rebounds by team (offense view) or by opponent (defense view)
Ast Assists for team (offense view) or for opponent (defense view)
Stl Total steals by team (offense view) or by opponent (defense view)
PF Personal fouls called on team (offense view) or called on opponent (defense view)
TO Total turnovers committed by team (offense view) or forced by team (defense view)
Bk Total blocked shot by team (offense view) or by opponent (defense view)